Study Overview & Land Use Proposal

Ngau Tam Mei (NTM) is situated to the northeast of Yuen Long Town, within the Innovation and Technology (I&T) Zone of the Northern Metropolis (NM), adjacent to the San Tin Technopole (STT). Upon completion of the planned Northern Link (NOL) Main Line, NTM will only be one station away from STT and well connected with the rest of NM and the urban area. Through the proposed cross-boundary NOL Spur Line and new Huanggang Port under construction, NTM will also enjoy easy access to the Hong Kong-Shenzhen I&T Park (HSITP) in the Loop and Shenzhen.

The NM Action Agenda promulgated in 2023 stated that NTM would reserve land for post-secondary institutions, with a focus on scientific research to complement the I&T development in STT, promoting “research, academic and industry” collaboration. The 2024 Policy Address further announced that the Government had earmarked at least 80 hectares (ha) of land in NM (NTM, New Territories North New Town and Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area (NDA)) for the NM University Town (NMUT). Land has also been reserved in NTM for developing an integrated medical teaching and research hospital (Integrated Hospital) and the third medical school.

Land Use Budget

Figure: Total Development Area: 127ha

# Category Percentage (%)
1 UniTown (including third medical school) 36%
2 Integrated Hospital 7%
3 Roads and Other Uses 23%
4 Other GIC Facilities 10%
5 Open Space 10%
6 Residential (mainly private housing) 14%

Major Development Parameters

Figure: Major Development Parameters

# Category Reference Numeral
1 New Population about 32,000-36,000
2 New Flats about 12,000-13,000
3 New Job Opportunities about 22,000-26,000

To be further refined in the later stage of the Study